
Social Distancing? Lakukan Aktivitas ini Agar Tak Bosan

USIR BOSAN SAAT SOCIAL DISTANCING Bulan Maret lalu, virus  corona  atau Covid-19 mulai menyebar dan menjangkiti beberapa wilayah di Indonesia. Nah, untuk itu pemerintah mengeluarkan peraturan agar kegiatan ataupun aktivitas di luar ruangan dibatasi dan diperketat pengawasannya. Aturan yang disebut social distancig ini diberlakukan dengan upaya untuk memutus rantai penyebaran virus Covid-19. Kalau dipikir-pikir pembatasan kegiatan di luar ruangan kayak gini, tentu saja tidak 'sesuai' untuk beberapa masyarakat kan , guys? Apa sih alasannya? Karena aktivitas yang sering mereka lakukan melibatkan lingkungan luar.  Pie Susu Teflon, Roti Kukus Srikaya dan Kopi Dalgona Akibatnya, banyak teman-teman kita yang mencoba menghibur diri  di dalam rumah agar rasa bosan tidak terus menggelayuti. Menurut kalian, apa aja sih kegiatan yang dilakukan teman-teman kalian saat ini? Atau kalian punya hobi yang dapat mengusir bosan? Setelah admin liat-liat dan telusuri nih, guys, ternyata main tik-tok

Umbul Nogo

Umbul Nogo Hello, guys.  How are you?  Hope you all have wonderful day.  This time, i wanna tell you about my memorable trips. I'd like to to tell you all about my memorable trip in Umbul Nogo. It was my first time to visit that place. The location of Umbul Nogo is on Karang Lor Village, Wonogiri. It'll took  an hours to get there. This place was very beautiful, there are big aquarium,  a big dam man-mader, kid swimming pool, food court and many more.   You, guys must visit it.  It's a beautiful place to holiday with your family.  Umbul Nogo has a plenty space. There are many tree that make the place cold. Unfortunately, when me and my family ily go there, we're too late. It almost 2 o'clock when we get there. And it's raining, maybe it's not a heavy rain but it's alright. My family and I was doing an fish therapy in Umbul Nogo. It's feel tickled when many fish touch and start biting our feet. I feel happy and satisfied when I got

Why You Should Have This Cool Hijab

It's gonna be your favorite wear. Make your day feel comfy by wearing this soft-fabric hijab. I bought it from my friend. It cost me Rp 20.000, 00/pcs. I have 3, with different color. So many styles you can create from this hijab. Many colors you can choose from this hijab. I decided to choose the brown series because it looks pretty on me and make my skin color brighter. It’s have a wide size so it can adjust what are you decided to look alike, simple style or various style. Besides, this hijab is made from cool material fabric, so you don’t have to feel hot and sweaty when you wear it. I know it's a little bit pricey, but it just worthy. You can buy it from online shop or any online store for Rp 13.000,00, but you have to pay the shipping fee.

Simple look, better quality.

A simple look, better quality Get the new experience doing an everyday routine. This gadget will help you with doing anything you want. From setting alarm until plan what are you going to do the next day, check out our new features to get synchronized.  We promise you won't regret it. This is Xiaomi Redmi Note 4. With a widescreen, to support a great performance. A whole memory space to save many moments. Good camera resolution for better quality pictures and videos. An excellent sound system to accompany you while doing something. Fill with some features like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, etc. To facilitate your work. On my phone, my tempered glass has a scratch on it. Because my phone fell off. My phone color is gold but is covered with a black soft case. Black soft case make it look more trendy. 

My Favorite Stuff

Hi,guys! Today, I want to share about my favorite stuff. This stuff helps me a lot. It makes me easier to reach my goals. Like some task from class or doing my hobby. Maybe, some of you have heard about this stuff. Right now, it's used to be a daily and common thing that we use for everyday. It's called smartphone. My smartphone has several points that make it be my favorite stuff. First, it has whole memory space to save many picture, video, data, application, etc. Second, it has a big and wide screen, that is make me more comfort to enjoy videos, playing games, drawing, and many more. Third, my smartphone has accompany me for 6 month, so it was so many moment that i got from it. This is what my phone looks like. My phone color is gold. But, I cover it with a black softcase. So when it fall, it won't make my phone broke. I think it's enough to tell you guys, about my favorite stuff. Please leave any comment what do you wanna see from my blog, any r


DESCRIPTION ABOUT FRIEND. Arnetta  short bio's. Hello everyone. How are you? I hope you feeling good. This time, i want to make a short description about my friend from my class. Arnetta Amalia Kartika Putri, she was born in Semarang on the 21st of April 2002. She is the first child of four siblings. We can call her Arnetta. She was born in a simple family, his father is an entrepreneur who collect worn-out computers, while his mother works as an honorary kindergarten teacher.  Her height is around 150 cm .She has a tanned skin.She wearing an hijab.She has an small and cute figure. Arnetta is a person who is very interested in social activities or activities related to the general public, she is very extroverted, she is talkative and she likes to take everything into her heart so she cries easily and she is a sympathetic person. When she was 5.5 years old, she began her education at SDN 1 Bendo, Klaten.After 1 year she moved to SDN 1 Purwosari. After gra


B3119009 Arnendya Sugi Agustina Penulis Mahasiswa Program Studi D3 Bahasa Inggris ( Fakultas Ilmu Budaya  ( I. Latar Belakang Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus bagi Mahasiswa Baru (PKKMB) merupakan wahana bagi pemimpin perguruan tinggi untuk memperkenalkan dan mempersiapkan mahasiswa baru dalam proses transisi menjadi mahasiswa. Di dalamnya diisi dengan berbagai kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan penanaman wawasan kebangsaan, cinta tanah air, bela negara dan pengenalan mengenai atsmofer akademik dalam kehidupan kampus. Pada tahun ajaran baru 2019/2020, kegiatan PKKMB juga diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Ilmu Budaya( ), sebuah fakultas yang memiliki jargon “memajukan pendidikan demi peradaban”. Kegiatan PKKMB selama kurang lebih satu minggu ini (13-18/08/2019) dilaksanakan di beberapa tempat. Selasa-Rabu (13-14/08/2019) kegiatan berlangsung di kantor pusat dan Auditorium GPH Haryo Mataram dikoordinasikan oleh Biro Kema